This Christmas Mom gave each of her children the sign pictured above. She explained that with all that is going on in this world, we not only need to believe there is still good, we need to BE the good in the world. This is not a new message she suddenly decided to start teaching us. Throughout my entire life I have watched closely the example, in words and deeds, Mom has set for me. She IS the good in this world.
During some reading this week I came across a talk given in October 2013 by Elder D. Todd Christofferson. In his remarks he said,
"A woman's moral influence is nowhere more powerfully felt or more beneficially employed than in the home."
My Mom took the responsibility of being a mother seriously. She did all in her power to teach each of her children correct and true principles to base their own life decisions on.
"In all events, a mother can exert an influence unequaled by any other person in any other relationship. By the power of her example and teaching, her sons learn to respect womanhood and to incorporate discipline and high moral standards in their own lives. Her daughters learn to cultivate their own virtue and stand up for what is right, again and again, however unpopular. A mother's love and high expectations lead her children to act responsibly without excuses, to be serious about education and personal development, and to make ongoing contributions to the well-being of all around them."
I don't have to think hard to remember examples of my Mom showing by word and deed to be serious about my own education and personal development. To this day Mom seeks out opportunities to learn. She gave up her own collage education to be home with us. Perhaps that is the greatest sacrifice one who LOVES learning could give in order to watch over the education and personal development of her children. To me as her daughter, going to college was a non-negotiable. She is constantly reading from authors of all kinds and sharing her thoughts, ideas and beliefs with me and my other siblings. I have the same burning desire to learn and improve.
Mom wasn't just a Mom to us. She became the Mom to my friends and sibling's friends. I remember once in high school a friend of mine and my brothers showed up at the front door. I informed him that my brothers were not home, He said, "That's okay. Is your Mom home? I came to see her." Recently that same friend wrote me a note and part of it said, "I wanted you to tell her thank you for being such a bad-ass. I still think of your family often. Your Bros and mom are all a huge part of my past. She's definitely influenced the way I parent." By just being the person she is Mom made contributions to the well-being of all around her. I'm sure you have a story or instance where my Mom has made a contribution to your well-being. If you do, we'd love to read about them in the comments. These stories will help us remind ourselves and her grandchildren who Mom is.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how my Mom has influenced my life and the person I am. When I read those passages I quoted above, a greater depth of love and gratitude just filled my heart. I hope each day that through my words and actions I can honor her and the values she instilled in me. I think that is the only I can carry her legacy forward.
Update on Mom: Mom continues to live what has become a "normal" day for us and is still pretty much independent. About a week and a half ago Mom's pain level dramatically increased and she was out for a number of days. That pain has only slightly decreased which means the level of pain medication Mom is taking has increased. She continues to participate in our lives as much as possible. Last Saturday she was most happy to be able to go watch her oldest grandson, Lincoln, play in his final basketball game of the season. She is so proud of him and the young man he is. Later that day she also got to watch another grandson, Crew, play in his basketball game. She said it was so great to watch him out there having so much fun playing. After very active days like that, Mom has to recover. Her recovery times are increasing. We are so very grateful that we still have her with us. That she gets to enjoy her family that she so tirelessly cares for.