Monday, May 1, 2017

Home is Where Your Mom is

We moved a lot growing up. And while the zip codes and addresses changed there were some constants that my parents put in place. One of those constants in my life is my Mom; who she was, is and is consistently trying to become. While my Mom may be slowly losing some of her physical and mental abilities, when you walk into her home, I still feel that constant... the epitome of who she is.

Scriptures, and books about our Savior and His doctrine piled on her nightstand. Pictures of her kids, grand kids and my Dad in every direction. A gallery of her grand children's art adorning her walls along side her own artistic quilting and hand stitch work. Fresh flowers and plants sprinkled here and there. A day planner sitting on her bed highlights the sense of order in which she brings to every space or sphere of influence. Sitting close by is the most recent book on whatever she wanted to learn about next. Speakers connected to her phone to play the music that fits the mood. A cutting table and sewing machine sitting in their rightful place. Stacks of fabric and patterns to dream about possibility in.

This is my Mom. This is home. This is the place I long to be that very few places compare to. She is a woman of great faith, faith that has moved mountains in her life and in mine. She is a woman of family, family that stands the test of time. She is a woman of creation, creation that builds others and brings beauty to seemingly ordinary spaces. She is a woman of learning, learning that empowers. She is a woman of music, music that transforms moods. She is a woman of love. To know my Mom is to know love. And in that love is home.

Update on Mom: Mom is slowing loosing strength and stamina. Because of this, Mom sleeps and takes rests a lot. She drains her lung every other day now, and that brings some relief to the constant pain and discomfort she feels. About a month ago a doctor from the hospice company came out to evaluate her. He could feel the tumors that are growing in her ribs on her back. Those tumors have cause severe pain. Mom loves to sit and talk with us, and visitors, she just has a hard time coming up with the words she is thinking of. She often deals with dizzy spells and an upset stomach. It's heartbreaking to watch and I can't even begin to image how this feels to Mom. We cry a lot together.

Please hold a place for her in your prayers. I believe in prayer. I learned that from my Mom.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words. I can feel the love you have for your mom coming through the words. I pray for her every day, as well as, all you kids. I love you all very much! Love, Aunt Wendy
